Low carbon, diversified, and a source of employment opportunities, the nuclear industry has numerous prospects to offer. The Nuclear Energy Master’s programme provides students with a comprehensive overview of the field and a solid training.
Nuclear energy : a dynamic sector
In France, the national recovery plan foresees the construction of six new EPR2 by 2050 and potentially eight additional reactors. The first EPR (European Pressurized Reactor) is set to be commissioned by 2035 and these reactors would be completed by small modular reactors. The goal of this large-scale scheme is to produce more decarbonised electricity. As a form of low carbon energy, nuclear power has many employment opportunities to offer.
All of the large companies, like EDF and Framatome are recruiting, and with the recovery plan, these needs will continue to increase
Gaël Sattonnay, Head of the Nuclear Energy Master’s programme
A one of a kind international master’s programme
In this respect, this Master’s degree has a key role to play. Almost unique worldwide, this international Master’s programme trains students in a complete range of nuclear professions, and is taught entirely in English. French students only make up 30% of the total student body.
The programme is truly multicultural, in each academic year, we have twenty to thirty different nationalities: students from the EU of course, but also from China, India and Turkey.”
Gaël Sattonnay
A varied range of specialisations
The Master’s degree is aimed at two main audiences: physicists (80% of the student body) and chemists (approximately 20%). The first year of the programme (M1) offers two main study paths which remain relatively general: Physics & Engineering, or Chemistry & Chemical Engineering. However, the second year (M2) is “more vocational”, according to Gaël Sattonnay, as this is when students get the chance to decide what they would like to specialise in. Students can choose between the following specialisations:
- Fuel Cycle;
- Nuclear Plant Design, to learn how to design nuclear facilities;
- Nuclear Reactor Physics and Engineering (NRPE), which focuses on the physics of nuclear reactors;
- Operation, to learn how to manage, coordinate and maintain nuclear facilities;
- Decommissioning and Waste Management, which looks at nuclear dismantling and decommissioning. “This is currently the option which the majority of our M2 students choose,” says Gaël Sattonnay, which shows that “national policies in this area clearly influence the sector.”
And what happens after graduating?
While 20% of graduates go on to pursue a PhD, the majority of graduates enter the job market after completing the second year of the programme (M2). International students return to work in their home countries, while their French counterparts are often recruited by the companies where they carried out their six-month internship during their M2. The employment rate for graduates three months after graduating is higher than 70%.
En savoir plus
I am interested in applying for a masters in nuclear engineering,I had my first degree in chemical engineering.
I have always been interested in a clean and alternate source of energy,I believe a masters in nuclear engineering will help me achieve my dreams
My name is SIMON and I’m a Nigerian..
I had my first degree in chemical engineering and I am Interested in pursuing a masters degree in nuclear engineering.
I have always been interested in a creating a clean and alternate source of energy with low carbon Emission.i believe a Master’s in nuclear engineering will help me achieve my dreams
Hello Simon,
If you want to continue with this Master’s programme, you should first contact the administrative office at : anne.boutu2@cea.fr
Then, you can apply by following the procedure that corresponds to your profile on this page.